Colleagues In the past we have done an NWI update as a presentation during the RIPE Meeting. However, as there is usually very little movement on most NWIs, the presentations are not very informative. This time we will present the update as an email and ask for any questions in the AOB at the end of the WG session on Thursday afternoon. NWI-2 Historical queries No comments since RIPE 85 NWI-4 Assigning a full allocation One comment today expressing a preference for the combined primary key (prefix/status) rather than simply changing the status. This allows separate objects for the allocation and the assignment with their own information and references. NWI-12 NRTMv4 In progress, for more details see: https://github.com/mxsasha/nrtmv4/ NWI-13 Geofeed Legal review posted to list last week. The RIPE NCC will discuss internally how to tighten up the wording of the proposed purpose text. The RIPE NCC Executive Board will need to approve the change to the Terms & Conditions to accept the new purpose. Then geofeed should be usable without the previous legal restrictions. NWI-14 Extending use of mnt-ref Implementation in progress by RIPE NCC NWI-16 Using RIPE Database as an IPAM solution No comments since RIPE 85 NWI-15,17,18 Task Force recommendations No comments cheers denis co-chair DB-WG