Dear colleagues, The history lookup feature is now deployed in production in Beta state. You can use it with RIPE Database query server options: "--list-versions [Object PKEY]" and "--get-version # [Object PKEY]". These options are also refelcetd in the RIPE Database "help" command output. Original RIPE Labs proposal article (https://labs.ripe.net/Members/kranjbar/proposal-to-display-history-of-object...) has been updated with some working examples. Full documentation, including information on how to access this data through our Query APIs will follow. Kind Regards, Kaveh Ranjbar, RIPE NCC Database Group Manager On Apr 10, 2013, at 12:25 PM, Nigel Titley <nigel@titley.com> wrote:
Following the announcement and the general positive feedback on this list, the RIPE NCC will be shortly enabling access to historical data in the RIPE database.
Best regards