Hi Ed and WG, I am sorry for not looking at this during it's time in RC, but I have some comments on the new website templates. I very much appreciate trying to do a more responsive design, to support mobile and other non-landscape screen layouts etc. (I have actually needed to use the hosted RPKI interface once on my phone in the past) However I think there needs to be some more polish done here, not just for the DB thing but all the pages that seem to be in that UI, that being LIR portal, requests etc, DB, and RPKI UI. But a general overview of the issues I have seen is weird scroll bars, menus sometimes not working on my phone, weird spacing, and the content (RPKI UI, Database Query UI, etc) scaling very weirdly on my phone but not on my desktop computer. A few more things probably but I guess my summary is that it just needs a bunch of polish and more integration with the actual page (the section that has the ID "app-workspace" on the database query page). I am not quite sure if I should bring it up with the DB-WG as it does affect the DB interface or if there is some better person/wg to bring it up with, I would appreciate it if Ed could give me some input here. I have also seen similar comments from others, and if easy to implement, I would appreciate an option stored in a cookie or something to use the old UI until these issues have been sorted out. Once again, sorry for not commenting during the RC, I was a bit busy last week. -Cynthia