Dear all, I am pleased to say that the first step of the RIPE database transition has been succesfully completed yesterday. Up till now, one minor and one major bug have been found and fixed and the database seems stable. Those who daily ftp the ripe database from ftp.ripe.net may have found that it was not there this morning. This was a simple typo in one of my scripts and has been fixed. The ftpable files (the complete database in ripe/dbase/ripe.db and the split versions in ripe/dbase/split) are currently generated at around 5:30 (AM for the US folks ;-) Dutch time, which is currently UTC+1. All database files ara available as uncompressed and compressed (both normal compress and gzip) versions. The generation time can be changed if you think there is a need (earlier, not later). Those who run a secondary copy of the database may find that the latest ftpable database takes much longer to index. This is because the database now includes large provider blocks, and the old software is not good at handling large blocks. The current plan is to have a beta release of the software (with some documentation on the changes) ready this weekend, so you can pick up this software and use it to index the RIPE database. This version will have all of the classless and other features as per the database transition plan (T1). As far as conflicts/problems in the guardian files are concerned, most of them have been resolved. There are some 15 guardian files left with problems. These guardians will be approached to correct these problems. If you have questions/comments/bugs, please report to me personally, or to any of the above lists if you think they are interesting for a larger audience. Regards, -Marten