* denis walker via db-wg <db-wg@ripe.net> [2022-05-18 11:01]:
Hi Sebastian
Can we clarify what historical data you are referring to? Are you suggesting that absolutely no historical data should ever be made available from the RIPE Database? Do you think it is wrong to provide details of what organisation held a specific address block last year or the year before?
History of personal data held in the database is not available. Personal data contained in operational object types is removed from the data returned for a historical query. As far as possible only historical operational (non personal) data is available through the historical queries.
I think there should at most only be the lastest data be available for deleted objects or none at all. There are fields like descr or remarks that can contain information that should no longer be present in the database after the object is deleted. In general I'm for removing information from a public database after it is supposed to be deleted. I'm not sure who is using information for deleted objects for anything, I at least never have. If there is a valid request for data on deleted objects it could always be handled by the NCC. Best Regards Sebastian -- GPG Key: 0x58A2D94A93A0B9CE (F4F6 B1A3 866B 26E9 450A 9D82 58A2 D94A 93A0 B9CE) 'Are you Death?' ... IT'S THE SCYTHE, ISN'T IT? PEOPLE ALWAYS NOTICE THE SCYTHE. -- Terry Pratchett, The Fifth Elephant