In message <cd74b6a0-eaed-444f-cb47-abd4b1cbeb5c@interall.co.il>, Hank Nussbacher <hank@interall.co.il> wrote:
who should get 'encouraged' to change something?
Well, good luck with that. I asked the IANA folks some long time ago now to fix the issue. They apparently have no interest in doing so.
To whom did you submit a complaint?
hostmaster@iana.org And to be clear, it wasn't a "complaint". I pointed out to them that the output of their WHOIS server often redirects people to the wrong RIR WHOIS server. I felt that I was attempting to be helpful, not adversarial. (Why is is that every time someone reports a spam to an ISP, this is termed by some folks to be some kind of a "spam complaint". We few who still do this sort of thing in the year 2021 are in fact trying to help ISPs to know which of their customers are undesirable troublemakers. And believe it or not, some ISPs are actually appropriately grateful for that.)
The place to lodge a complaint in regards to IANA functions is with the CSC: https://www.icann.org/csc
By all means. Please feel free to do that Hank. I have already made the decision not to wait for the year or two it might take for some functionally useful change to percolate up through the various relevant departments, organs, and discussion lists. I've got actual work that I actually want to get accomplished this week, not nine months from now after a lengthy series of committee reviews. So I've already gone ahead and developed a software work-around for what is, I think, a rather self-evident lack of interest on IANA's part in the notion of correcting the clearly incorrect outputs delivered by IANA's WHOIS server. Regards, rfg