Dear DB-WG folks, planning activities for the next RIPE Meeting - RIPE57 in Dubai - have already started, thus this call for agenda items. Please submit (to the WG list!) your item requests and|or suggest topics for discussion to be included in the draft agenda! (I plan to distribute the 1st version of the draft agenda in about one week from now.) Please note that the DataBase-WG meeting is, again, scheduled for *Thursday* (in the morning) - due to the meeting starting on Sunday. The overall RIPE 57 meeting outline is already available at http://www.ripe.net/ripe/meetings/ripe-57/meeting-plan.html The list of plenary presentations and the session archive may eventually become available at [- this page probably does not exist yet -] http://www.ripe.net/ripe/meetings/ripe-57/presentations/ or at a different URL. Have a successful meeting in Dubai, Wilfried.