Hi, Potapov Vladislav wrote:
I think a number of people have pointed out why they wish to deprecate crypt-pw. No, I'm not convinced. And a number of people - only Gert Doering? The
Hi, -Hank point of view they propagate - it should increase security (in reality - not). But, we all know: false sense of security is worse than knowledge of a problem.
actually i don't care much about this issue, but since you raise the question - i have show my support for Gert/the proposal in general here, that is, i'm IN FAVOR of the depreciation of CRYPT-PW. It's not needed, it's more than a litte more insecure than MD5-PW, it doesn't change anything operational. ..and no i'm not going to comment any other side-arguments here, gets too personal. I support the original proposal - full stop. -- ======================================================================== = Sascha Lenz SLZ-RIPE slz@baycix.de = = Network Operations = = BayCIX GmbH, Landshut * PGP public Key on demand * = ========================================================================