WG Members, This email kicks off the chair selection process for the open seat vacated last fall. With the new chair processes agreed to by the working group this will be a single chair seat for three years. This will migrate us into the new process where we will select one chair per year to maintain continuity and consistency for the chairs and prevent a situation like we have encountered previously where we were selecting chairs out of a drawing from a hat. As a reminder, chair terms are staggered yearly. The working group will select the chair by consensus. The process is as follows; This is the call for interested parties. Interested parties have two (2) weeks to make their interest known on this mailing list, or directly to the chair(s). After two weeks, the chair(s) ensure that all candidates are announced on the mailing list and issue a call for discussion. All members of the community are encourage to make a discussion and express their approval or otherwise of the presented candidates. Two (2) weeks after the call for discussion, the chair(s) declare a decision, based on mailing list discussion, as they would do for a policy proposal. All candidates please post to the mailing list at this time or contact the chairs (db-wg-chairs@ripe.net<mailto:db-wg-chairs@ripe.net>). Kind regards, William & Denis DB-WG Co-Chairs