Robert Martin-Legene <robert@dknet.dk> writes: Daniel Karrenberg wrote:
2) Return all registries on queries for "cc-reg" or some such magic.
I think this would be a very nice way of getting up to date information. With the fast change in information I suppose exists in this field as everywhere else, it would be valuable with the correct information. "cc-reg" is fine with me.
The problem I have with this is that there might be other matches of cc-reg (like community and network names) and this might be confusing. Of course one can make rules about that but where does it end? Why can't we just have a directory (=menu, =selection) in the document store which has the most up-to-date data right there (to click on) and then once in a while publish the list as a RIPE document for historic reference and those who like paper? With 113 relatively stable entities I do not think that manual update by the NCC is a problem. Daniel PS: Also an answer to Wilfired's message.