Hi Denis, On Wed, May 25, 2022 at 11:58 AM denis walker <ripedenis@gmail.com> wrote: [...]
I think that the reason phone was mandatory is that it was the de-facto standard. I agree that e-mail is now. But will it remain so? If we are building for the future then we should consider the possibility that the future will look different from today.
The policy proposal relates to today and going forwards. We can't guess what tech will be the most widely used tomorrow.
So either we write email into the policy today and change the policy if and when that changes, or we write into the policy something like "One mandatory means of contact must be defined in the ROLE object. This one method will be determined by RIPE community consensus and may be changed in the future if the community consensus prefers an alternative method." The wording is a bit clumsy but more generalised and allows changes to the contact method without a policy update.
I was actually suggesting that instead of saying that technology #1 is mandatory and technology #2 is optional we just say that one of the supported technologies must be listed. Then we can add and remove technologies as needed without having to make decisions about what people *must* use. But if we must define a single technology that is mandatory then e-mail is a better choice than phone. Kind regards, Leo