Wilfried Woeber (woeber@cc.univie.ac.at) on March 4:
The proposal for an extension of the inet-rtr: object was briefly discussed. The original intent was to allow for a description of Mbone routers. However, extending the concept could be very useful for describing all sorts of peerings, like Mbone, IP-over-IP, IPnG, and the like. Due to the fact that there is already a couple of tools which read the peer: attributes, it might be wise to not change the peer: attribute as currently defined (but to eventually make it obsolete) and to invent a new attribute with the peering protocol ID as the first element, the address as the second element and then the specific information. To be discussed in more detail on the mailing list.
RA is also considering extending this object for more general RS peerings. Our peers need to tell us whether we should turn on route flap dampening, as transparency, etc. We are thinking of using the rpsl dictionary to make this process extensible. In other words, one would define all allowable keywords (rpsl attributes and access methods) in the dictionary, and then refer to them on the definition of the inet-rtr objects. Later if another keywords is needed, one would simply modify the dictionary. If anyone is interested in the current dictionary work, there are some transparencies under: ftp.isi.edu:rps/la-ietf/dictionary.ps.gz Comments and suggestions are welcome. Cengiz -- Cengiz Alaettinoglu Information Sciences Institute (310) 822-1511 University of Southern California http://www.isi.edu/~cengiz