Hi Ronald True...historical versions of these objects are not available in any form for privacy and security reasons. Personally I don't think MNTNER objects should be visible at all to the public. I don't know of any other service on the internet where details of how you secure your data are open to the public. Being able to query for someone else's MNTNER object is a throw back to the days when only nice people used the internet :) cheers denis co-chair DB-WG On Wed, 2 Dec 2020 at 23:25, Ronald F. Guilmette via db-wg <db-wg@ripe.net> wrote:
I bumped my head on something unexpected a day or two ago, and I would now just like to ask a question, to find out if what I seemed to see was just a product of my own programming mistake, or if it is fact the way things were intended to be.
So, true or false? The --list-versions and --show-version options are not supported for person:, role:, and mntner: records.
To be clear I am *not* asking if the data returned when the --show-version option is applied to one of the types of records I've just listed is merely redacted of all personal information relating to natural persons. Rather, I am asking if I should in fact be expecting to get absolutely -nothing- back when/if I try to use --show-version on any of the aforementioned record types, regadless of of whether the requested historical information contains 100% personal information or alternatively, if it contains 0% personal information, or anything in between.
Regards, rfg