26-01-2023 17:46 +0100, Sylvain Baya wrote:
Le mardi 24 janvier 2023, denis walker via db-wg <db-wg@ripe.net> a écrit :
Most people seem to assume it can be reliably used for geolocation purposes. That would be the most obvious use case for this attribute. Entering an optional value would signify that all the addresses in this block are used within the geographical boundary of the country defined by the code. Where the addresses are used in multiple countries, it may be possible to show this at the assignment object level. Otherwise the optional country: attribute could be omitted and the geolocation information would be determined by the geofeed: attribute.
Hi Denis, Thanks for your email, brother!
imho: ...no need to ommit it; if it's possible to (i) interpret country: attribute values as default, when it exist, for INET(6)NUM objects without geofeed: attribute values; and (ii) give priority to geofeed: attribute values against country: ones.
Shalom, --sb.
I understand the proposal as already doing this: geofeed would have priority over country. The point is: If the country attribute means 'all the addresses in this block are used within the geographical boundary of the country', what else could you do when that's not the case? You have to modify the value to allow something else than ISO country codes (e.g. allow an optional trailing asterisk to the country code to mean not all really fall in that country) The only case I can think were you could use a ISO 3166-1 with the above meaning of "all the addresses in this block are used within the geographical boundary of the country defined by the code" (loosening it somewhat), but still being on different countries would be when using the exceptional reservation of EU to mean that all those addresses are within the borders of the European Union, but not on a single country. Regards -- INCIBE-CERT - Spanish National CSIRT https://www.incibe-cert.es/ PGP keys: https://www.incibe-cert.es/en/what-is-incibe-cert/pgp-public-keys ==================================================================== INCIBE-CERT is the Spanish National CSIRT designated for citizens, private law entities, other entities not included in the subjective scope of application of the "Ley 40/2015, de 1 de octubre, de Régimen Jurídico del Sector Público", as well as digital service providers, operators of essential services and critical operators under the terms of the "Real Decreto-ley 12/2018, de 7 de septiembre, de seguridad de las redes y sistemas de información" that transposes the Directive (EU) 2016/1148 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 July 2016 concerning measures for a high common level of security of network and information systems across the Union. ==================================================================== In compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation of the EU (Regulation EU 2016/679, of 27 April 2016) we inform you that your personal and corporate data (as well as those included in attached documents); and e-mail address, may be included in our records for the purpose derived from legal, contractual or pre-contractual obligations or in order to respond to your queries. You may exercise your rights of access, correction, cancellation, portability, limitationof processing and opposition under the terms established by current legislation and free of charge by sending an e-mail to dpd@incibe.es. The Data Controller is S.M.E. Instituto Nacional de Ciberseguridad de España, M.P., S.A. More information is available on our website: https://www.incibe.es/proteccion-datos-personales and https://www.incibe.es/registro-actividad. ====================================================================