In message <CAKw1M3PZPzwJHoNyGrSAY_2azHeZpTw4aVw7GwCLhmT_qt2CiA@mail.gmail.com> =?UTF-8?Q?Cynthia_Revstr=C3=B6m?= <me@cynthia.re> wrote:
The purposes could change...
No, they couldn't. It appears that the RIPE Database Requirements Task Force issued its "final report" sometime late last year, and now the wheels have ground on further to bring us to the point where RIPE legal has issued an official proclamation to the effect that everything that does not comport with the Task Force's final list of defined purposes _must_ be jetisoned and thrown overboard. That would appear to be the short version of where things stand now. Based upon the principal of stare decisis, it would seem to be a bit late in the game to try to roll back any of what has already been adjudicated. Regards, rfg