Hi David, Joao, et.al. <disclaimer> My question is going to prove complete ignorance when it comes to IPv6 address formats. So please bear with me :-) </disclaimer> => The two suggested changes are: => => - - addition of a "status" attribute with the following possible values: => TLA, NLA and SLA. => Syntax checks will be done so that: => TLA is only allowed if the prefix length is 3<x<=16 => NLA is only allowed if the prefix length is 16<x<=48 => SLA is only allowed if the prefix length is 48<x<=64 = =This is fine although, I am not entirely convinced that we really need =it. It's a bit redundant information. By definition something is a =TLA/NLA/SLA so you can just look at the 'inet6num:' field and you =already know what it is. Can't you just generate this field =automatically ?!? For the IPv4 case we do have a well-established format for external representation of addresses and prefixes, i.e. full dotted quad with /prefix-length. In the 6bone registry there's IPv6 prefixes with a "structured" external representation, like "3FFE::/16" or "5FBC:1000::/32". So my questioon is: is there an agreed algorithm to insert punctuation at the "appropriate" positions, and does the proposal/criticism for the semantic checks do have an influence on this formatting? Thanks, Wilfried. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wilfried Woeber : e-mail: Woeber@CC.UniVie.ac.at Computer Center - ACOnet : Tel: +43 1 4277 - 140 33 Vienna University : Fax: +43 1 4277 - 9 140 Universitaetsstrasse 7 : RIPE-DB (&NIC) Handle: WW144 A-1010 Vienna, Austria, Europe : PGP public key ID 0xF0ACB369 --------------------------------------------------------------------------