13 Jan
13 Jan
5:29 p.m.
* Ulrich Kiermayr <ulrich.kiermayr@univie.ac.at> wrote:
Just a stupid question: how do you assure the address is valid in the first place, and after that stays valid, i.e. there is a human behind it reading it? (without putting additional workload on the NCC manual validating all of these)
That's exactly the point why I think that we don't need any other kind of validation than syntax validation. Every LIR should be interested in taking care about abuse complaints (doesn't matter which kind of abuse). If one doesn't, addressing this on public mailing lists or adjusting filters helps a lot. sebastian -- whois: sabt-ripe - phone: +49 (0)160 90759764 email: sabt@sabt.net - pgp-pubkey: 0xD008DA9C