On Mon, Oct 15, 2018 at 12:52 Nick Hilliard <nick@foobar.org> wrote:
On 15 Oct 2018, at 11:31, Job Snijders <job@instituut.net> wrote:
I'm hesitant to add such things because we don't have such a notification & grace period in BGP Origin Validation process when processing BGP route announcements either.
You don’t need one there. If there’s a problem with those you can back out the configuration and life will proceed as before. The difference between the examples you’re giving and this proposal is that - as it stands - this proposal will automatic activate a mechanism with no backout, no grace period and no warning.
If we deconstruct RIPE-NONAUTH’s current state of affairs we already are facing a irreversible concept: if one deletes an object in RIPE-NONAUTH, it can never be restored. I’ve made it clear what I think should be done - I think the current proposal resolves contention between the owner of the route object and the owner of the resource not being the same entity. But you disagree, so I propose two things: 1) I’ll produce some data on what will happen to the contents of the RIPE-NONAUTH database if Origin Validation is applied. 2) let’s sit down face to face at RIPE 77 to see if we can find a compromise or at least better understand each other’s concerns. Kind regards, Job