Marco, Marco d'Itri wrote:
On Apr 28, Nigel Titley <nigel.titley@uk.easynet.net> wrote:
E. "51.8 RIPE NCC" (return irt: by default) revisited (RIPE NCC)
It was eventually decided that the RIPE NCC client software would add the -c flag to default queries, but that default behaviour would remain as it is.
This is very annoying. We had a clear consensus on the mailing list and NCC even started implementing the needed server changes, but now the proposal has been nullified with a motivation like "it would take too long to be implemented".
The proposal and the agreement were slightly different, and I believe the minutes should reflect this. We propose to implement the desired behaviour as a -c flag first and after some use time make it a default query. At the same time it was decided that the web interface to whois will "prepend" the -c flag and thus irt object will be returned by default. We will be sending a detailed proposal to this mailinglist for review and comments.
Because of the following reasons I believe that the new proposal is, at best, useless: - the official RIPE whois client is irrelevant because it's probably[1] used by only a tiny part of the users base, which very probably is clueful enough to not need that irt records are forced down on them - not being able to rely on support from clients and users was the reason for the original proposal, and the new proposal fails the initial requirement
If NCC really cannot do anything better (but so far I do not believe that it has clearly explained why) then please use your resources to improve the WWW interface instead, which is used much more by inexperienced users. Creating and *prominently* advertising a new query form which would automatically process abuse-mailbox attributes and irt records (and fall back to admin-c/tech-c) for the purpose of finding an abuse contact would be more useful than changing the default settings of the C whois client.
[1] I now have another reason to ask RIPE NCC to publish some statistics about the client info specified with the -V flag.