On 11/07/2021 10:32, Ronald F. Guilmette via db-wg wrote: Thanks Ronald, but that doesn't answer my question. I was hoping to see route objects which reference *reserved* ASNs - not route objects for unallocated ASNs. In any event, thanks for the effort. Regards, Hank
In message <81050891-b839-e281-993f-c5bfbb86f49e@interall.co.il>, Hank Nussbacher <hank@interall.co.il> wrote:
Can you provide a list of those route objects that reference bogon ASNs as listed here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autonomous_system_(Internet)#ASN_Table
My apologies for the slow reply. I had some other things on my plate.
In my analysis, I have not attempted to differentiate between those ASNs that are reserved in accordance with some RFC and those that are simply not assigned at the present time, globally, by any RIR to any resource member. I provide here the results of my latest analysis, based on the most recent data files available. Feel free to further break down these results as you may see fit.
Within the AUTH RIPE data base there are currently 81 IPv4 route objects that reference AS numbers not assigned to any RIR resource member, globally:
Within the AUTH RIPE data base there are currently 19 IPv6 route objects that reference AS numbers not assigned to any RIR resource member, globally:
Within the NONAUTH RIPE data base there are currently 1,587 IPv4 route objects that reference AS numbers not assigned to any RIR resource member, globally. Note that of these, 562 are, I trust, currently scheduled for removal as part of the already ongoing cleanup of route objects that refer to bogon IPv4 address space.
Within the NONAUTH RIPE data base there are currently 44 IPv6 route objects that reference AS numbers not assigned to any RIR resource member, globally. Note that of these, 43 are, I trust, currently scheduled for removal as part of the already ongoing cleanup of route6 objects that refer to bogon IPv6 address space.
Regards, rfg
P.S. All dates mentioned in the above files are drawn from the relevant last-modified: fields of each route object, respectively.