It appears that, by and large, the route objects currently present within the ripe-nonauth.db.gz file refer either to bogons (which I've already provided a list of) or else they refer to out-of-region IP address blocks. The latter group seems at least explainable. The former group I am hoping will disappear from the data base soon. Checking now however I find there are a very small number of anomalous route objects within the latest edition of the ripe-nonauth.db.gz file, i.e. ones that refer to in-region IP blocks: I'm not sure how these should be made to go away, but I wish they would. They offend my personal sense of fastidiousness, and I don't like unexplainable mysteries. Note that the RIPE-NONAUTH route object appears to have some counterpart route objects for sub-blocks of that /21 and these sub-blocks route objects are *not* marked as RIPE-NONAUTH, suggesting that there is no compelling reason for the route object to be marked as RIPE-NONAUTH. The same sort of syndrome appears to apply also in the case of the RIPE-NONAUTH route object, i.e. in this case also there appear to be valid non-RIPE-NONAUTH route objects in the data base for sub-blocks of, which begs the question: Why is the markes as RIPE-NONAUTH? Regards, rfg