Dear working group
On 11 May 2016, at 18:23, Sander Steffann <sander@steffann.nl> wrote:
Op 11 mei 2016, om 18:15 heeft Rob Evans <rhe@nosc.ja.net> het volgende geschreven:
I would not mind if all the e-mail addresses which should receive a notification will receive only one regarding all of their resources.
I like that idea as a compromise if it lessens the support load. “The following resources for which you are listed in the ‘notify’ attribute are about to be modified” with a list of resources.
Let me elaborate on the procedure we had in mind for this. In a nutshell we intended to use a custom notification mechanism avoiding duplicate emails. While it's true that the normal notification mechanism is triggered on the update of any object, and emails the "notify:" email for every modification. We can disable this mechanism, and get a list of affected objects and process them differently. We have done similar notifications in the past. Following this strategy every recipient would only get one email listing all affected objects, and an explanation of the background of this change. Avoiding duplicate emails helps reduce the impact on LIRs, but may not lower the support burden w.r.t. questions on the RIPE NCC side. To achieve that we aim to keep the email concise, explain that this was done after WG discussion and consensus, highlight that no action is strictly necessary, and explain that "descr:" can now be modified. Despite all this, it is likely that this will still surprise a number of object holders. We can expect support tickets from these people, and the working group may see comments from these people. Kind regards, Tim Bruijnzeels