Hi Daniel and others Just for the record I have followed all previous discussions on this issue over many years within the RIPE community. There have been many (opposing) views expressed. I don't recall any consensus within the RIPE community to expel all, or even just Afrinic, (foreign) ROUTE objects from the RIPE Database. If I did miss that, maybe someone can point me to the message on this or the ROUTING WG mailing lists where that consensus was drawn. Does Afrinic have a mandate, with a clear consensus, from the Afrinic community for the migration of all Afrinic ROUTE objects from the RIPE Database to the Afrinic Database? Has either community agreed anything on the (re)creation of Afrinic ROUTE objects in the RIPE Database? I have no personal interest in this either way. I just want to be clear what the current position is so we can move forward. cheersdenisco-chair DB-WG From: Daniel Shaw via db-wg <db-wg@ripe.net> To: Database WG <db-wg@ripe.net> Sent: Tuesday, 18 July 2017, 16:39 Subject: Re: [db-wg] out of region routing in the RIPE Database On 18/07/2017, 15:26, Nick Hilliard via db-wg typed:
There are two main ways to fix this problem:
1. change all non-RIPE address space to have a different source: tag
2. remove all non-RIPE address space completely
There is some previous discussion about this issue on db-wg, and IIRC, the WG suggestion was to go for option #2.
On that basis, again IIRC, there was a suggestion to handle this in a phased way, starting off with the lowest hanging fruit first. As Afrinic objects formed the largest share of all out-of-region objects in the ripedb, they were targeted first.
Hello WG, That matches my recollection too. And so I'll re-iterate that, as previously mentioned on this list, this neatly matches up with some parallel goals within AFRINIC. Which is that regardless, we see an advantage in having our membership manage their IRR along with RDNS and RPKI and other registry interactions in one place under one authentication. Simpler. And we also see an advantage in general growth in usage of the AFRINIC IRR by our membership, as it's a service we already provide and will maintain and scale as needed in any case. And so, we do already provide tooling to our membership to assist them moving objects into the AFRINIC DB easily. We do liaise with upstream operators of our members when they have in the past implied a requirement for RIPE DB IRR objects. And our hostmasters also do run bootcamp tutorials at nog and other events to encourage migration of objects. In summary there is ongoing work that matches with migrating non-RIPE, AFRINIC route(6) objects underway. I will add that this is a long and slow process however. The work is done as convenient. And for now, only applies where both the IPv{4,6} an AS resources are within the AFRINIC region. The movement is slow. But in the direction of moving AFRINIC resources away from RIPE DB. Regards, Daniel