I would like to have the IRR kept open, we have space from various regions and need to be able to make use of a single well known IRR in order to register our policies and be able to mix our ASNs with our space.
There are non-RIR registries out there that can meet your requirement with out of region resources while not feeding RIPE DB with dummy objects. Allowing object creation without authorization of the resources holder makes abuse much easier (DATASTAR-MNT is an example). It takes far more resources to shut down an abuser than abuser continuing with another mntner. If an object already exists in a mirrored registry, RIPE dummy object is more likely to reduce the data quality (outdated/abandoned objects, conflicting information). In short term (months), is there any logistical issue that prevents RIPE from implementing email authorization (aut-num PoC at issuing RIR) when creating an out of region object in RIPE DB? And if all non-RIPE address space were to be removed, what would be the timeline to stop accepting dummy objects? Yang