In message <20191106210554.GB5460@hydra.ck.polsl.pl>, Piotr Strzyzewski <Piotr.Strzyzewski@polsl.pl> wrote:
I do not object having properly coded non-ASCII email addresses in the database.
First, just to be clear, we are really only discussing the representation of domain names within the data base. Of course, any email address contains one of those, but we are specifically -not- discussing the representation of the user-ID portion of any email address in the data base. Second, it is nice that you are OK with "properly coded non-ASCII" domain names in the data base. So I am I. That's not the question. The question is how should IDNs be -represented- within the data base. As I have stated, it is my opinion that the only two viable options at the present time are either (a) punycode or else (b) UTF-8. ISO-8859-1 is not, as far as I know, a standardized or appropriate way of encoding IDNs in any context. If I am wrong about that, then please do correct me an please do point me at the RFC which states otherwise. Regards, rfg