Dear colleagues, dear Ambrose, by accident I discovered a person entry which in its form is definitely not wanted: *pn: Stefan Seiz *ad: Herdweg 73 *ad: \ ... > 128 empty address lines!!! *ad: / *ad: 70174 Stuttgart *ad: Germany *ph: +49 711 18748-0 *fx: +49 711 18748-32 *em: index@schwaben.com *nh: SSE2-RIPE *ny: noc@ecrc.de *ch: wer@ecrc.de 951115 *so: RIPE I am in no position to decide whether the entry was done including these empty lines or whether this is an error of the database software. I think a check should be implemented during acceptance of new database objects (or updates) which - removes empty input lines (or fields which do contain nothing but white space) - afterwards checks whether all mandatory fields for the object are filled in should be done (actually I expect such a test to be performed anyway...) Could anybody please check what is wrong here? Thank you! Joachim _____________________________________________________________________________ DFN Network Operation Center, Dr. Joachim Schmitz, (finger help@noc.dfn.de) >>>>>> mailto: noc@noc.dfn.de <<<<<< Rechenzentrum Universitaet Stuttgart, Allmandring 30, D-70550 Stuttgart Phone: 0711-685-5810, 0711-685-5576, FAX +711 6788363 (business hours) EMERGENCY phone +711 1319 139 with answering machine and pager _____________________________________________________________________________