Database WG Members, This message is to follow up on thread created recently with regard to a reported violation of the RIPE Database Terms and Conditions. Several members have commented publically and a few privately on this matter and we wanted to publically addresses these concerns. The working group chairs after consulting with the RIPE NCC and the RIPE Chair have identified two primary issues in question; 1. A violation of the terms and conditions has been reported to the working group, this is out of scope for the working group. Concerns over usage in regard to the terms and conditions should be reported to the RIPE NCC directly and not on the Database working group mailing list. RIPE NCC has the responsibility and the resources to handle these violations appropriately. It is our understanding that the RIPE NCC has a process they have followed, and have done so with the complaint registered on the working group mailing list. It is the RIPE NCC’s responsibility to investigate and take action as appropriate. As the working group, with this item referred to RIPE NCC, we consider this issue handled and closed. 1. Conduct of a co-chair for a working group. This is a much more challenging issue, should a chair be held accountable for the actions of an employer? What are examples of unacceptable behavior for a chair and when misconduct is suspected, what action, if any, should be taken? Currently in the RIPE community there are no policies for the removal of a chair. In the history of the RIPE community a working group chair has only been removed once. Chair selection is conducted through the processes identified by each working group. Lacking a defined process, it seems that the chair selection process coming up is the primary way the working group selects or changes the working group leadership. I have always found David to be a good person who cares deeply about the RIPE community, as a working group chair he has always handled working group business with the highest integrity. I urge the working group to consider mistakes we have each made as individuals, by our employers, and in life. As working group chairs, we serve the working group for the benefit of the RIPE community, we embrace open discussion from all working group members, and we strive to resolve issues transparently through community feedback and rough consensus. We continue to seek community guidance in all aspects of managing the working group and look forward to facilitating the database work in our working group. Thanks, William on behalf of the Database Working Group Chairs