Dear colleagues, The DB team have implemented the new "status:" ALLOCATED-ASSIGNED PA option for NWI-4 and included in the Whois 1.112 release, due for production on 16th May. We also plan to update the RIPE-822 policy document (https://www.ripe.net/publications/docs/ripe-822/) section 7.0 to include the new status: “ALLOCATED-ASSIGNED PA: This address space has been allocated to an LIR and entirely assigned to the LIR infrastructure or for use by an End User with services provided by the issuing LIR. It cannot be kept when terminating services provided by the LIR." This change will be made separately to the Whois release. Please test NWI-4 in the Release Candidate environment and let us know of any feedback. Regards Ed Shryane RIPE NCC
On 23 Feb 2024, at 00:39, David Tatlisu via db-wg <db-wg@ripe.net> wrote:
Hi everyone,
Following recent discussions the working group chairs have determined the new "status" option for NWI-4 garnered the most support. The working group chairs would like to ask the NCC to proceed with the implementation.
Your feedback and engagement have been invaluable throughout this process, and we appreciate your continued involvement as we move forward with NWI-4.
Kind regards,
Denis, William, and David
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