On 29/10/2020 23:15, Yang Yu via db-wg wrote: Hello Yang,
For legacy /8 that exists today in multiple RIRs, what is the process to make sure rDNS gets delegated correctly and avoid split views? Is there some mechanism to sync the zone across RIRs? How long does it typically take for this type of reverse delegation update to get reflected in DNS zone?
When I created a domain object for 208.75.147.in-addr.arpa., it didn't show up in DNS until the next day.
RIPE NCC publishes your delegation data in a "zonelet" file: https://ftp.ripe.net/pub/zones/147.in-addr.arpa-RIPE ARIN, the operator of 147.in-addr.arpa, fetches this zonelet file every few hours, and imports the delegation data into 147.in-addr.arpa. All the RIRs work in the same way, publishing zonelets, as well as importing zonelets from the others. The polling period varies from RIR to RIR, so sometimes it can take a few hours before the DNS is up to date. Regards, Anand Buddhdev RIPE NCC