Dear all, lend me a couple of minutes to describe my expectations, without going into technical implementation details, as described by Daniel below... 1. How about using proven and widely known tools and info-channels? For me this means putting objects into the database, and maybe having them guarded (for ease of update). I don't really believe in manual update procedures... Finding info should be possible both through the Interactive Info Service at the NCC, and probably through the WWW interface. 2. Lets investigate a setup, - where we get the over-all info from the document store (the envelope), - more details by looking into a WWW compound document and getting - the details dynamically out of the database (clicking on an item). Please feel free to give me a blow on the head... Cheers, Wilfried. ________________________________________________________________________________ Daniel said: I have an action to propose a "registry" object for the RIPE database. Defining such an object is not so much of a problem. In fact we already have the information needed in tagged format. Look at the Irish Internet registries as an example: org: EUnet IE status: Provider person: Michael Nowlan address: O'Reilly Institute address: Trinity College address: Dublin 2 country: Ireland (ie) phone: +353 1 671 9361 phone: +353 1 702 1787 fax-no: +353 1 677 2204 e-mail: mn@dec4ie.ieunet.ie org: HEAnet status: Provider person: Mike Norris address: 21 Fitzwilliam Square address: Dublin 2 country: Ireland (ie) phone: +353 1 6612748 fax: +353 1 6610492 e-mail: mnorris@hea.ie org: IE EUnet status: Registry of Last Resort person: Michael Nowlan address: O'Reilly Institute address: Trinity College address: Dublin 2 country: Ireland (ie) phone: +353 1 671 9361 phone: +353 1 702 1787 fax-no: +353 1 677 2204 e-mail: mn@dec4ie.ieunet.ie However putting this in the database is not all. We need to define a querying mechanism. This is where the problem starts. Options: 1) Return all the regsitries on queries for the country code together with the toplevel domain object. 2) Return all registries on queries for "cc-reg" or some such magic. 3) Add a special flag to whois to query for registries. All these options are not very applealing because all of them have a big potential for user confusion. Also I am convinced that this information should always be presented together with some information about what a local registry is and what it is not. What did we want to achieve by putting this information in the database? - easy updates via the normal means - access to up to date information at all times between publications of the local registry list We can achieve the -more important- second goal by making this information available via the RIPE document store together with the explanatory information. This could be implemented quickly (before the RIPE meeting). The first goal cannot be achieved that way. But since the amount of info and changes is expected to be small, the NCC can process update requests manually. So my conclusion is not to include this in the database but in the document store. If I have not considered some important argument, please let me know pricately or via a discussion on these lists. If there is consensus we will implement it that way. Daniel -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Return-Path: <dfk@ripe.net> Received: from email.univie.ac.at by access.cc.univie.ac.at (MX V3.1) with SMTP; Fri, 15 Apr 1994 14:14:45 +0100 Received: from ncc.ripe.net by email.univie.ac.at with SMTP (PP) id <29896-0@email.univie.ac.at>; Fri, 15 Apr 1994 14:14:59 +0200 Received: from reif.ripe.net by ncc.ripe.net with SMTP id AA27717 (5.65a/NCC-2.2); Fri, 15 Apr 1994 14:14:47 +0200 Received: from localhost.ripe.net by reif.ripe.net with SMTP id AA12109 (5.65a/NCC-2.1); Fri, 15 Apr 1994 14:14:47 +0200 Message-ID: <9404151214.AA12109@reif.ripe.net> X-Organization: RIPE Network Coordination Centre X-Phone: +31 20 592 5065 Sender: Daniel.Karrenberg@ripe.net