Nick, On Thu, 22 Oct 2015 18:02:23 +0100 Nick Hilliard <nick@inex.ie> wrote:
On 21/10/2015 15:32, Tim Bruijnzeels wrote:
Provided that the working group agrees with this, we expect this can be done in the space of a few weeks after the business rule is implemented.
sounds good (i.e. +1). Could you send 3M/1M/1W notifications of the removal and the consequences of the object being locked? Locking has operational implications and a bunch of people got hit with problems due to the mntner md5 locking issue a couple of months ago.
I suppose that's fine, but to be honest experience has shown that people either fix their information very quickly after notification, or wait until the very last minute, or only discover that they were supposed to do something much later. Based on this I'm kind of in favor of short(ish) migration periods - why have a long period in the middle when nothing much happens? Also, a longer period for something vaguely security related seems like a bad idea (although I think I was involved with perpetrating this problem more than a decade ago, so presumably the urgency is not very high). :) Cheers, -- Shane