Hello All, I have modified the RIPE Whois database code version 2.3.0 to support the (public domain) GNU Privacy Guard program instead of the (commercial) PGP International program for the PGP authentication. The patch is attached. I'll port this patch to 2.3.1 in the next week or so. GNU Privacy Guard does not use any patented algorithms and is under the GPL licence, so you do not need to purchase any licences to use it. Adding support for both PGP and GNU PG to the RIPE whois database was not that straightforward so this work is not yet in production. I would appreciate any feedback on anyone who decides to try it. GNU Privacy Guard and PGP International can both be used to update the database as GNU PG supports PGPi 5.x keys as well as the IETF standard for OpenPGP (RFC2440). Thanks to the RIPE-NCC for making their code available as always! Paulg. References:: GNU Privacy Guard: http://www.gnupg.org PGP International: http://www.pgpi.org OpenPGP WG: http://www.ietf.org/html.charters/openpgp-charter.html __________________________________________________________________________ For PGP Key ID B49E3514, mailto:paulg@apnic.net send mail with Subject: pgp-key-request phoneto:+61-7-3367-0490 Paul Gampe - Technical Team - APNIC Pty Ltd faxto:+61-7-3367-0482 __________________________________________________________________________