"Wilfried Woeber, UniVie/ACOnet" <woeber@cc.univie.ac.at> writes:
I think the wording, and maybe even the thinking, has to be made a little b it clearer (at least to me :-)
I'm reading the proposal to mean the following:
- On a global scale, we need unique handles (Internet Handles). - InterNIC doesn't provide them for use by Regional Registries - There is an agreement that Internet Handles are manufactured in a distributed way by appending the Regional Registry code - It doesn' matter from where I get the handle, it is an Intenet Handle tha t is globally unique and valid. (ie. I can get my person object registered in any database other than the RIPE-DB with my RIPE-assigned Internet Handle) **correct?? - we have to get this going by a) converting all existing handles, which have by definition been assigne d by the InterNIC into the -INIC format/syntax b) assign -RIPE format/syntax handles for all the others in the RIPE-DB - to keep it going we refuse person objects, that do neither come with an Internet Handle, nor request assignment by the agreed string of "assign"
Anything wrong with this?
To the contrary. This is the way it should be presented. It eluded us. Thanks for setting our thinking straight. We'll post a re-worded version a.s.a.p., which will probably be Thursday because towmorrow is very full already. Daniel DK58-INIC