Salaam, You can get the address space allocated to Local Internet Registries from - http://www.ripe.net/ripencc/mem-services/general/allocs4.html for Pv4 Allocations - http://www.ripe.net/ripencc/mem-services/general/allocs6.html for IPv6 Allocations this list is updated daily. Every record is in the format as X-NCC-RegID, for example: sa.faisaliah (AL Faisaliah Internet Services & Technology) 19990518 212.93.192/19 ALLOCATED PA You can retrieve this file daily and make a search on it. Regards; Abdullah Saad M. Al-Ashry Al Faisaliah Internet Services and Technology Est. (AwalNet) Tel: +966-1-4600111 x 311 Fax: +966-1-4601110 -----Original Message----- From: owner-lir-wg@ripe.net [mailto:owner-lir-wg@ripe.net]On Behalf Of mediaWays Hostmaster Sent: Wed, August 30, 2000 5:24 PM To: lir-wg@ripe.net; db-wg@ripe.net Subject: ripe-db question Hi, some strange question: we need a complete list of assigned IP-Addresses in the european part of ripe region sort by country for a customer. Is there any chance to get it per whois/some application or do we buy some part of whois-db from ripe? The background is that a Online-Service needs this part of information to display the right website (on his top-level Webserver wich are reached by every online user first) for every user by his language. We are grateful for each assistance. Kind regards, _____________________________ Stephan Mankopf Networks/Backbone +49 5241 80 88729 stephan.mankopf@mediaways.net