I bumped my head on something unexpected a day or two ago, and I would now just like to ask a question, to find out if what I seemed to see was just a product of my own programming mistake, or if it is fact the way things were intended to be. So, true or false? The --list-versions and --show-version options are not supported for person:, role:, and mntner: records. To be clear I am *not* asking if the data returned when the --show-version option is applied to one of the types of records I've just listed is merely redacted of all personal information relating to natural persons. Rather, I am asking if I should in fact be expecting to get absolutely -nothing- back when/if I try to use --show-version on any of the aforementioned record types, regadless of of whether the requested historical information contains 100% personal information or alternatively, if it contains 0% personal information, or anything in between. Regards, rfg