Please find below the exchange format as agreed with InterNIC, MERIT and RIPE. just for your information. -Marten WHOIS Database Transfer Parse Syntax 1.0 ------------------------------------ Note: Brackets [] enclose subrules, with a prefix indicating optionality and repetition as follows: "0[]" - optional "1[]" - required "0*[]" - none or any number "1*[]" - at least one --------------------------- LANGUAGE ---------------------------------- <file> ::= 1[<version>] 1*[<record>] 1[<eof>] <version> ::= WDB_version: <version_no> <version_no> ::= 1.0 <record> ::= <begin_data> <data> <begin_data> ::= --- <eof> ::= END OF FILE <data> ::= <network> | <domain> | <host> | <individual> | <as> <network> ::= 1[<network_data>] 1*[<contact>] 0*[<inaddr_server>] 1[<update_information>] <domain> ::= 1[<domain_data>] 1*[<dom_contact>] 0*[<dns_server>] 1[<update_information>] <as> ::= 1[<as_data>] 1*[<as_contact>] 1[<update_information>] <individual> ::= 1[<individual_data>] 1[<update_information>] <host> ::= 1[<host_data>] 1*[<contact>] 1[<update_information>] /******* network-specific information *******/ <network_data> :: = 1[<netip_type>] 1[<netname>] 0[<network_type>] 1[<activated>] 0[nic_handle] 1[<organization>] <netip_type> :: <netip_addr> | <netblk> <netip_addr> ::= ntnum: <datum> <netblk> ::= ntsblk: <datum> nteblk: <datum> <netname> ::= ntnam: <datum> <network_type> ::= ntype: <ntype_data> <ntype_data> ::= Research | Defense | Government | Commercial <inaddr_server> := inaddr-server: <host_key> /******* domain-specific information *******/ <domain_data> ::= 1[<dom_name>] 1[<parentdom>] 0[nic_handle] 1[<organization>] <parentdom> ::= pdom: <parentdom_type> <parentdom_type> ::= COM | EDU | ROOT | NET | ORG | GOV | US <dom_name> ::= dnam: <datum> <dom_contact> ::= <contact> | <zone_contact> <zone_contact> ::= zone-c: <email-address> | <nic_handle> <dns_server> := dns-server: <host_key> /******* as-specific information *******/ <as_data> :: = 1[<as_type>] 0[<as_name>] 0*[<asin>] 0*[<asout>] 0*[<asdefault>] 1[<activated>] 0[nic_handle] 1[<organization>] <as_type> :: <as_number> | <as_block> <as_number> ::= asnum: <datum> <as_block> ::= as_sblk: <datum> as_eblk: <datum> <as_name> ::= asname: <datum> <asin> ::= asin: <datum> <asout> ::= asout: <datum> <asdefault> ::= asdefault: <datum> <as_contact> ::= <contact> | <as_guardian> <as_guardian> ::= asguardian: <datum> /******* host-specific information *******/ <host_data> ::= 1[<hostname>] 1*[<ip_addr>] 0[nic_handle] 0*[<nickname>] 0[<cputype>] 0[<opsys>] 0[<protocols>] 0[<hostmail>] 1[<organization>] <hostname> ::= hname: <datum> <ip_addr> ::= ipaddr: <datum> <nickname> ::= nname: <datum> <cputype> ::= cpu: <datum> <opsys> ::= opsys: <datum> <protocols> ::= proto: <datum> <hostmail> ::= hmail: <datum> <host_contact> ::= <coordinator> | <altpoc> <coordinator> ::= coord: <datum> <altpoc> ::= altpoc: <datum> /******* individual-specific information *******/ <individual_data> ::= 1[<name>] 0[nic_handle] 1[<organization>] 1*[mailbox] 0*[<phone>] 0*[<fax>] <name> ::= <name_components> | <whole_name> <name_components> ::= 1[<last_name>] 1[<first_name>] 0[<middle_name>] 0[<name_suffix>] 0[title] <last_name> ::= lname: <datum> <first_name> ::= fname: <datum> <middle_name> ::= mname: <datum> <name_suffix> ::= nmsuff: <datum> <title> ::= ttle: <datum> <whole_name> ::= whname: <datum> <mailbox> ::= mbox: <datum> <phone> ::= phne: <datum> <fax> ::= fax: <datum> /******** update information *********/ <update_information>::= 1[<name_date>] 1[<location>] 1[<maintainer>] 0*[<update_notify>] 0[<op_type>] <name_date> ::= updt: <datum> <location> ::= source: <place> <place> ::= RIPE | MERIT | INIC | DNIC | ISI | ANIC <maintainer> ::= maint: <place> <update_notify> ::= updtnot: <datum> <db_operation> ::= operation: <op_typ> <op_type> ::= ADD | MODIFY | DELETE /********* common elements *********/ <organization> ::= 1[<org>] 0*[<address>] 1[<country>] <org> ::= org: <datum> <address> ::= addr: <datum> <country> ::= cntry: <datum> <contact> ::= <admin-contact> | <tech-contact> <activated> ::= actvd: <datum> <admin-contact> ::= admin-c: <email-address> | <nic_handle> <tech-contact> ::= tech-c: <email-address> | <nic_handle> <security-contact> ::= secur-c: <email-address> | <nic_handle> <host_key> ::= <datum> /*either nic handle or ip number*/ <nic_handle> ::= nichandl: <datum> <datum> ::= 1*[<alphanum>] NL --------------------- TAG FIELD SEMANTICS ------------------------------- /****** network-specific stuff ******/ ntnam: network name of network ntnum: registered IP network number [format: xxx.xxx.0.0 for class B xxx.xxx.xxx.0 for class C] ntsblk: registered IP network number - start nteblk: registered IP network number - end ntype: network type - one of R = Research D = Defense G = Government C = Commercial E = Educational actvd: Date in which the domain/network was initially registered [format: YYMMDD] inaddr-server: inaddress servers for the paticular network (either host ip address or hostname or nic handle ) /****** domain-specific stuff ******/ dnam: domain name of domain. pdom: parent domain of domain (ie. NIC.DDN.MIL is DDN) zone-c: zone contact (found in RFC 1032) (either mail-address or nic handle) dns-server: servers for that paticular domain (either host ip address or hostname or nic handle ) /****** asn-specific stuff ******/ asnum: as number as_sblk: as start number (of a block) as_eblk: end number (of a block) asin: accepted routes from other ASs (found in RIPE-81) asout: routes announced to other ASs (found in RIPE-81) asdefault: how default routing is handled (found in RIPE-81) asguardian: guardian of this AS /******** host-specific stuff ********/ hname: hostname of host nname: nickname(s) of host ipaddr: IP address of host cpu: cpu of host (found in RFC 1060) opsys: operating system of host (found in RFC 1060) proto: protocols supported by host (found in RFC 1060) hmail: role mailbox of host administator /***** individual-specific stuff *****/ lname: last name of individual fname: first name of individual mname: middle initial of individual nmsuf: name suffix of individual (ie JR., SR., ...) ttle: title or rank (Capt., Lord, ...) mbox: network mailbox of individual in internet format phne: phone number of individual fax: fax number of individual /****** common stuff *******/ nichandl: handle given by the NIC org: organization name addr: street address cntry: country source: originator of record (RIPE/MERIT/NIC) updt: updated information (who/when) [format: YYMMDD-HHMM userid] tech-c: technical coordinator of network/domain/host (found in RFC 1032) (either mail-address or nic handle) admin-c: administrative coordinator of network/domain/host (found in RFC 1032) (either mail-address or nic handle) secur-c: security coordinator of network/domain/host ----------------------- EXAMPLES --------------------------------- INDIVIDUAL: WDB_version: 1.0 --- lname:McColum fname:Robert mname:A nmsuf:Jr. ttle:Computer Developer Manager nichandl:RM584 org:Government Systems, Inc. addr:14200 Park Meadow Drive addr:Suite 200 addr:Chantilly, VA 22021 cntry:US mbox:bobm@NIC.DDN.MIL phne:(703) 802-8476 updt:911029-120500 STANB source:NIC END OF FILE ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NETWORK: This is a sample network record that has: 1) Peter Elford (PE33) is the tech contact. 3) JATZ.AARNET.EDU.AU (AARNET) (already registered) as inaddr-server 3) ANU.ANU.EDU.AU (ANU) (already registered) as inaddr-server 4) MUNNARI.OZ.AU as a new inaddr-server WDB_version: 1.0 --- ntnum: ntnam:AARN-DEV ntype:Research Nactvd:890203 org:Australian Academic and Research Network addr:P.O. Box 1142 addr:Canberra ACT 2601 cntry:AU tech-c:PE33 inaddr-server:AARNET inaddr-server:ANU inaddr-server: updt:910103-224721 STONED source:RIPE maint:RIPE --- hname:JATZ.AARNET.EDU.AU ipaddr: nichandl:AARNET cputype:SUN-4/60 opsys:UNIX protocols:UDP/DOMAIN org:University of Melbourne country: AU uptd:900706-105714 MACGOWAN source:NIC maint:NIC --- hname:ANU.ANU.EDU.AU ipaddr: nichandl:ANU cputype:MICROVAX-II opsys:ULTRIX protocols:UDP/DOMAIN org:University of Melbourne country: AU updt:900706-105714 MACGOWAN source:NIC maint:NIC --- hname:MUNNARI.OZ.AU ipaddr: cputype:SUN-4/260 opsys:UNIX protocols:UDP/DOMAIN org:University of Melbourne country: AU updt:900705-105714 MACGOWAN source:RIPE maint:NIC --- lname:Elford fname:Peter nichandl:PE33 org:Australian Vice Chancellors Committee addr:Churchill House addr:Northbourne Ave, Braddon addr:GPO Box 1142 addr:Canberra ACT 2601 cntry:AU mbox:p.elford@AARNET.EDU.AU updated:900705-105714 MARKK source:MERIT maint:NIC END OF FILE