Ho Nick, Nick Hilliard wrote:
On 08/07/2015 17:18, Ruediger Volk, Deutsche Telekom Technik - FMED-41.. wrote:
Summary: Currently the whois database accepts =E2=80=9Cnon-breaking-space=E2=80=9D- characters in updates. We propose that whois replaces these =E2=80=9Cnon-breaking-space=E2=80=9D-characters with regular spaces before storing the object.
I'm going to giggle a bit here.
Wilfried, while I accept your point in principal, Ruediger's mime formatting unintentionally demonstrates how easily nbsp can cause serious breakage, and that there are many locations in an rpslng object which should only accept a limited ASCII charset.
Indeed, while reading RĂ¼diger's mail I relized that I wasn't thinking along the path that he was. I was more on the issue of "randomly" doing things to updates.
Blindly accepting utf8 everywhere is a bad idea.
Right. I think the *everywhere* is the important thing here.
The viable options for handling this are inbound fixup
MAybe, but then at least a Warning should be returned.
or else rejection of malformed updates.
My pov is that this option should be chosen.
Either is ok with me, but whichever choice is made needs to be documented clearly.