Dear DB-WG Members This is the 1st draft of an agenda for the DB-WG Meeting at RIPE71 at the JW Marriott Bucharest Grand Hotel in Bucharest, Romania. The DB-WG Meeting is scheduled as usual for Thursday, Nov 19th, starting at 14:00 local time, after the lunch break. The length of our timeslot is 90 minutes. For the overall RIPE 71 meeting plan please refer to its most up-to-date version at https://ripe71.ripe.net/programme/meeting-plan/ Please feel free to comment agenda items or propose additional topics to be discussed both on the mailing list or direct to the WG Chairs at db-wg-chairs@ripe.net Looking forward to see you all in Bucharest. All the best, Job, Nigel & Piotr ________________________________________________________________________ A. Administrative Matters [~5 min] . Welcome . select scribe (thanks to Nigel for volunteering again!) . finalise agenda . approval of minutes from previous WG meeting(s) . review of action list (Nigel Titley) B. Database Operational Update (Tim Bruijnzeels, RIPE NCC) [~10 min] C. New and revised DB-Software functionality (Tim Bruijnzeels, RIPE NCC) [~30 min] (proposed, test, deployment) D. Personalised authentication update (Tim Bruijnzeels, RIPE NCC) [~10 min] E. Updated Database documentation (Alex Band, RIPE NCC) [~10 min] F. Routing policies vs. reality in BGP (Tomas Hlavacek) [~15 min] G. Afrinic IRR homing project update (Job Snijders/Tim Bruijnzeels, RIPE NCC) [~10 min] Y. Input from other Working Groups and/or Task Forces Z. AOB __________________________________________ -- gucio -> Piotr Strzyżewski E-mail: Piotr.Strzyzewski@polsl.pl