Hello Nick,

Sure, these seem to be very useful set of improvements. 
We will look into the implementation of these features and will update the list.

All the best,

Kaveh Ranjbar,
RIPE NCC Database Group Manager

On Dec 27, 2012, at 12:12 AM, Nick Hilliard <nick@inex.ie> wrote:

In order to solve this problem, what we'd really love to see is:

1. support for command pipelining
2. support for recursive expansion of as-set to a list of ASNs.
3. support for recursive inverse key expansion of an as-set to a list of

These would mean a massive performance gain for INEX's use case (and a
bunch of other IXPs around europe) and #3 would mean that the RIPE whois
server could leapfrog IRRD in terms of performance.

Would it be possible for the DB people to look into this?