Dear working group, On 16 Sep 2014, at 14:57, Nigel Titley <nigel@titley.com> wrote:
Agreed, consensus has been reached. Can RIPE NCC action this please?
We plan to implement these changes in conjunction with already planned whois releases for the replacement of "changed" with "last-modified". The removal of "referral-by" was not controversial, so we expect no major issues from this additional change. More importantly, we already plan to use a longer than usual period in the Release Candidate (RC) environment for the more controversial phase 2 of replacing "changed", so separate releases would be somewhat impractical. Phase 1: "referral-by" becomes optional ======================================= Shortly after RIPE 69 26 Nov 2014: RC 10 Dec 2014: Production (2 weeks of RC, coincides with the introduction of "last-modified" and "created") = "referral-by" becomes optional = updates for MNTNER objects that include "referral-by" are accepted, but warnings are shown Phase 2: "referral-by" is deprecated ==================================== Two months after RIPE 69 21 Jan 2015: RC 4 Mar 2015: Production (6 weeks of RC, coincides with "changed" becoming optional) = "referral-by" is no longer accepted in updates = "referral-by" is removed from all MNTNER objects = "last-modified" is not updated, since this is not a semantic change = "referral-by" is still shown for old versions Please let us know if you have any questions or comments about this. Kind regards, Tim Bruijnzeels Assistent Manager Software Engineering RIPE NCC