Dear colleagues, We want to remind you that our consultation period for determining the criticality rating of the RIPE Database runs until 22 January 2023. Your feedback allows us to understand better the effect of service availability and data confidentiality and integrity risks which could influence a range of decisions, from using certain cloud services to determining service level objectives or security controls. Thank you for your input! Regards, Razvan C. Oprea RIPE NCC
On 23 Dec 2022, at 18:04, Razvan Oprea via db-wg <db-wg@ripe.net> wrote:
Dear colleagues,
Your input about the criticality rating of the RIPE Database is important. Keeping in mind the busy end of year, and the holidays, we have extended our consultation period until 22 January 2023.
Wishing you all a happy new year.
Regards, Razvan C. Oprea RIPE NCC --
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