In message <CAKr6gn04LMMs5ALEZoO_2hhuMG4t78XeWwun+FzA8xk7PDBphA@mail.gmail.com> George Michaelson <ggm@algebras.org> wrote:
There was an implication in your mail that no WHOIS records should have ZZ.
There are specific reasons *some* WHOIS records have ZZ.
I'm fine with that, if the associated record does not describe any actual organization, other than an RIR, or any actual alloctable number resource.
I understand you want *delegated* WHOIS records to have valid economies.
FYI the readme of delegated-extened and the non-exteded delegated statistics files for the RIR (and the # comments) are very clear that the *intent* of the economy field in these compressed reports, is not Geolocation of the IP ranges, but is about the entity registration.
I am also fine with having the country: values -consistantly- represent even the favorite holiday destinations of the CEOs of the relevant organizations, as long as this is done -consistantly-. I don't really care that much what the community elects to have these values mean, exactly, as long as values *are* present in all records where the community believes that they should appear, and as long as there is -some- consistant meaning for this information. Right now, there is no consistancy at all, either in terms of the intended meaning, or the syntax, or even the presence/absence of the field, thus rendering the data base an utter shambles and making any productive use of the country: fields, across the entire data base, essentially impossible. A present, the country: values have about as much value as your typical pub dartboard does in the way of predicting tomorrow's weather.... assuming, in some cases at least, that you even remove all of the darts. Regards, rfg