Can I request that EON11-RIPE be added to the same list? That satisfies my immediate goal as much as the white page, and the visibility of this mailing list thread should be equivalent to that of the previous one in helping the next person who comes along and runs into the edge case of wanting to protect an unreferenced atlas role. Thanks, --Will On Thu, Jan 28, 2021 at 08:32:55PM +0100, Edward Shryane wrote:
Hi Denis,
On 28 Jan 2021, at 19:37, denis walker <ripedenis@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Will
I wasn't aware that the RIPE Atlas system/service had any reliance on objects in the RIPE Database. Maybe Robert can elaborate more on this?
There are only 4 PERSON objects in the RIPE Database that reference the Whitepages ORGANISATION object. None of these make any reference in remarks to RIPE Atlas. So clearly no one is using the old Whitepages service for RIPE Atlas. There is 1 ROLE object in the database that does refer to RIPE Atlas, CAAO-RIPE. This object was created in 2014 and was recently modified. But it is not referenced anywhere...so it should have been automatically deleted after 90 days. Maybe Ed can look at why this object still exists in the database?
There is an exclude list for the cleanup unreferenced objects job, and CAAO-RIPE is excluded, so it will never be deleted.
The DB team maintains this list and will exclude an object on request.
Regards Ed Shryane RIPE NCC