21 Jun
21 Jun
3:09 a.m.
* Ronald F. Guilmette [Mon 20 Jun 2022, 07:03 CEST]: [..]
Consider an analogy: I run a dry cleaning shop in Hamburg. You are my friend. One day I let you into my back office and let you copy down the names and addresses of many, most, or all of my customers. You then go back home to the U.S.A. or to Zimbabwe, or at any rate to some jurisdiction where GDPR does not apply. You then put all those names and address on your public web site? Who is liable for this "leak" of PII, under GDPR? Me or you?
You are. If this is an open question for you then in practice you don't know nearly enough about how GDPR works to have an opinion worth listening to in this matter. -- Niels. --