Hi Akil, working group, If we perform the clean-up that was proposed your organisation name will be removed from "descr:" in your resource objects. But note that this *only* applies to 'top-level' objects: i.e. allocations or assignments you received from the RIPE NCC - not e.g. assignments done under a PA allocation. And we only perform the clean-up if the "descr:" exactly matches the organisation name - that RIPE NCC was enforcing. You can already update the "descr:" for assignments (PI and ASN) you received. If you change the "descr:" to something other than the organisation name they will not be touched. Until now it has not been possible to update "descr:" for allocation objects. So if we would run the clean-up today that would mean that all allocation objects end up with no "descr:" attributes. You would however still be able to find your objects, because they have a reference to your organisation object (and your organisation object has your organisation name). We are currently working on deprecating the object editors, so you will be able to edit the "descr:" attribute for allocations within a few weeks from now. After this work is done, you will be able to update your "descr:" of allocation objects as well. As mentioned earlier the clean-up was reverted and has been postponed. We can run it again on 9 May, but only if the working group co-chairs call consensus. We can also postpone the clean-up until after the object editors are deprecated and people have had a chance to update the "descr:" on their allocation objects. We can also cancel the clean-up if the working group feels this is better. Kind regards, Tim
On 28 Apr 2016, at 16:07, AKIL EVLAT <AKIL.EVLAT@kktcell.com> wrote:
Since you have no longer got descr available at your end. How would we refer to our IP block at your end?
AKIL EVLAT KUZEY KIBRIS TURKCELL | KKTCELL TECHNICAL OPERATIONS | PACKET NETWORK SPECIALIST Bedreddin Demirel Cad. Salih Mecit Sok. No:1 PO 883 Lefkoşa / KKTC T: E: akil.evlat@turkcell.com.tr
-----Original Message----- From: AKIL EVLAT Sent: Friday, April 22, 2016 10:50 AM To: 'Tim Bruijnzeels' <tim@ripe.net>; ncc-announce@ripe.net; 'db-wg@ripe.net' <db-wg@ripe.net> Cc: BARIS KIZILDERE (BARIS.KIZILDERE@kktcell.com) <BARIS.KIZILDERE@kktcell.com>; TO-CO-PN <TO-CO-PN@kktcell.com> Subject: RE: [ncc-announce] [news] RIPE Database: Cleaning-up Organisation Names in "descr:"
From what i understand no changes are going to be made that effects users and no actions have to be taken by the users.
But as KKTCELL we would like to know what will the name/abbreviaton change to. What will be the new abbreviations?
Are any of the users going to be effected in any way? Or is there such a risk?
Kind Regards,
AKIL EVLAT KUZEY KIBRIS TURKCELL | KKTCELL TECHNICAL OPERATIONS | PACKET NETWORK SPECIALIST Bedreddin Demirel Cad. Salih Mecit Sok. No:1 PO 883 Lefkoşa / KKTC T: +90 533 850 0175 E: akil.evlat@kktcell.com
-----Original Message----- From: ncc-announce [mailto:ncc-announce-bounces@ripe.net] On Behalf Of Tim Bruijnzeels Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2016 5:17 PM To: ncc-announce@ripe.net Subject: [ncc-announce] [news] RIPE Database: Cleaning-up Organisation Names in "descr:"
Dear colleagues,
We want to let you know about a clean-up that we have been planning with the RIPE Database Working Group (WG) and explain why this is being done. As this is currently being discussed on the WG mailing list, there is still time to comment if you wish.
Background ----------------
For a long time, there has been a requirement that the first "descr:" attribute of resource objects that were allocated/assigned by the RIPE NCC must match the name of the organisation that holds the resource. However, these resource objects have also had a reference to the organisation object of the holder of these resources for quite some time, and the RIPE NCC ensures that this organisation object matches what we have in the RIPE Registry. This means that we have been using two parallel approaches to achieve the same goal.
Since we began using organisation objects, requiring the organisation name in the “descr:” attribute has become redundant. It creates the potential for a mismatch between the name recorded here and the name on the actual organisation object. It also leads to confusion about where the correct name of the organisation can be found, along with a number of other issues.
This has been discussed at length on the RIPE Database WG mailing list and during WG sessions at RIPE 70, 71 and 72. Consensus was reached that going forward: - Organisation names should no longer be enforced in "descr:" attributes - LIRs should be allowed to modify the "descr:” attribute[1] and will be responsible for maintaining this (it will not be verified by the RIPE NCC) - The RIPE NCC should clean up existing cases where the organisation name is enforced - "descr:” should become an *optional* attribute
Last Week’s Reverted Clean-up ------------------------------------------
The WG decided that a clean-up was needed to remove any confusion about where the organisation name should be found. Because there are 93,105 objects that need to be updated, it is not practical to send notifications to all of these resource holders individually. As this change was expected to have little operational impact, it was decided that this should be done as a silent update. However, while the WG was informed of our intention to run the clean-up, it was an oversight on our part not to send a notification to the wider RIPE community.
We proceeded with our implementation of these changes in the RIPE Database and deployed release 1.86 to production on 21 March. We then communicated our intent to run the clean-up on 11 April to the Database WG[2]. When we ran the update last week, a community member alerted us to a problem and the clean-up was reverted the following day after it was completed[3].
There is now a discussion about how or whether to continue with this clean-up on the RIPE Database WG mailing list[4]. If the WG determines that we should proceed with this, we have a tentative date set for 9 May 2016. We invite you to discuss this further on the mailing list at <db-wg@ripe.net> if you have any opinions or concerns that you would like to share.
We will also be reviewing our processes to ensure we give adequate notification for such changes in the future.
Kind regards,
Tim Bruijnzeels
Assistant Manager Software Engineering RIPE NCC Database Group
[1] "descr:" is currently not editable in the Allocation Object Editor, but will become editable by LIRs in the near future. [2] https://www.ripe.net/ripe/mail/archives/db-wg/2016-March/005136.html [3] https://www.ripe.net/ripe/mail/archives/db-wg/2016-April/005172.html [4] https://www.ripe.net/ripe/mail/archives/db-wg/2016-April/005173.html
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