In message <mailman.1675.1497881039.4885.db-wg@ripe.net>, Jeroen Massar <jeroen@massar.ch> wrote:
Thus the big question: why does the RIPE NCC allow that junk to exist there? (Noting that it was shown last year that that "organisation" inserted bogus stuff too... and it has not been resolved)
That is indeed the Big Question. What is the answer? I am seriously asking. I also am aware of at least one very large clump of IPv4-related "pollution" within the RIPE data base... about which I will say more soon (although as far as I can tell, nobody on -any- of the RIPE mailing lists gives a damn about such things)... and I also wonder why no one seems to care about all of the blatantly bogus pollution in the RIPE data base. I can only guess that the answer to that probably has a lot to do with money, one way or another. covfefe