Hi, all ! We are contemplating changing the output of the "-t" option of "whois" to give more information. Please inform us if you write or use tools based on this output. Example: The current output for "-t person" is person: [mandatory] [single] address: [mandatory] [multiple] phone: [mandatory] [multiple] fax-no: [optional] [multiple] e-mail: [optional] [multiple] nic-hdl: [optional] [single] remarks: [optional] [multiple] notify: [optional] [multiple] mnt-by: [optional] [multiple] changed: [mandatory] [multiple] source: [mandatory] [single] the new output would be person: [mandatory] [single] [look-up key] address: [mandatory] [multiple] * phone: [mandatory] [multiple] * fax-no: [optional] [multiple] * e-mail: [optional] [multiple] [look-up key] nic-hdl: [optional] [single] [look-up key] remarks: [optional] [multiple] * notify: [optional] [multiple] [inverse key] mnt-by: [optional] [multiple] [inverse key] changed: [mandatory] [multiple] * source: [mandatory] [single] * where [look-up key] indicates that you use this attribute as an argument to whois and [inverse key] indicates that you can use the attribute as an argument to whois -i. If you have anymore questions, please contact <ripe-dbm@ripe.net>. Regards, Ambrose Magee ____________________________ RIPE Database Administration.