I believe I have encountered a bug with email processing of updates via auto-dbm@ripe and have not been able to engage the people there via ticket NCC#2015080034. I reported it and the ticket was quickly closed without being solved. I therefore ask for help from the hive-mind. The recently added "remarks:" line is causing parsing problems. The line looks like this: remarks: For information on "status:" attribute read https://www.ripe.net/data-tools/db/faq/faq-status-values-legacy-resources First I tried editing an object but the parser kept chopping the line as follows:
remarks: For information on "status:" attribute read https: //www.ripe.net/data-tools/db/faq/faq-status-values-legacy-resources ***Error: "https" is not a known RPSL attribute
So I just deleted the line and was able to update the object. But now I want to delete an intenum object with the "remarks" line. When I do that I get:
remarks: For information on "status:" attribute read https: //www.ripe.net/data-tools/db/faq/faq-status-values-legacy-resources ... created: 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z last-modified: 2014-05-27T13:18:49Z source: RIPE
***Error: Object [inetnum] - doesn't match version in database
The parser again chops the line at https and auto-starts a new line and therefore flags the entry as not macthing the version in the DB. Is there a workaround for this? Some escape character that will cause it not to break the line? Thanks, Hank