On Mon, Oct 15, 2018 at 16:35 Alexander Azimov via db-wg <db-wg@ripe.net> wrote:
There is only one good thing about mistakes - if you can fix it. Here if one fails to properly configure ROAs it may lead to ongoing operational problems, that can't be fixed even after fixing ROAs, since RIPE-NONAUTH database is locked. I think, that it's ok to delete route objects that conflict with ROAs only if you are able to create new. Otherwise, the only winning party will be commercial IRRs.
Alex - just create the route object in the correct database. Why help proliferate rogue or stale route announcements? It is outside RIPE’s scope to facilitate hijacks and increased risk to one business’ operations through incorrect routing information registration. If you can’t create the route object, perhaps you aren’t authorized by the owner of the resource and have no business creating such objects. This is no different than configuring the wrong DS records at the domain registry level, or generating TLS certs for the wrong hostname, or misconfiguring your firewalls or routers. Misconfigurations lead to issues - news at 11. Kind regards, Job