In message <m2r1doo4w6.wl-randy@psg.com>, Randy Bush <randy@psg.com> wrote:
< i will regret this >
I'm sure there are DNS people around that can explain to IANA what a lame delegation is…
folk: i think it is safe to assume the iana is technically competent. the problems lies above layer seven, and particularly in the seemingly eternal ego and power struggle between the c suite of two registries (not the ncc) and the iana. the ops community, which is supposed to be served, is the collateral damage.
Well, the good news is that this is a case where software can (and does) trump bureaucratic intransigence. I've created my tool, which allows me to get the full unredacted WHOIS records for any IPv4 address (IPv6 coming soon) with one command. Other folks with similar needs (e.g. the people who programmed bgp.he.net) have likewise found or made their own home-brew solutions. I'd like to offer the following corollary to the well-known (John) Gilmore's Law: "Bureaucratic unhelpfulness is like censorship, and software may often be employed to work around it." Regards, rfg